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new year new day new life?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:49 am
Ok so as I sit here at almost three AM on a Saturday night and parruse(SP?) thru the posts, I see a theme here....
Dave's constant whinning of a lack of life, yet i see friends and family and lotsa projects all astrewn throughout this site, let alone all his other little connections and links...(love here )
the point is
i heard a saying in a song
"I usedta think that life had a plan for me, until I realized that life had to be planned by me"
this Year we could all stand to remember that no matter how sucky our lives appear to be
we are better off than we could be (and way better than those on the news)
and the only way to change the things in our lives we don't like is to well.. change them
I am not getting all rightious here
i am TOO FAT
Still an undergrad and really not where I thought I would be ten years ago,
not stating to complain
more to explain
we can all sit around whinning about how we don't have this or if they really loved us they would... blah blah blah
if virtual pets and shops make you smile than go ahead smile! and if not ..than find ur smile, if there is more or less that pleases you than do that too,
no one.
NO ONE else is responsible for your happiness but YOU
I have friends that stay wth thier abusers and justify it it out of love
I know people that would lie straight faced to you just to create some drama and wonder why they have so little friends,
my dog dies and it sends me into a frenzy of symptoms of upper respitory infections...
we all have our "thing"
no one is better off than the next
its the journey right?
may your new year's journey find you 364 days from now, happier, healthier, more inspiried, and achieved than today.
*gets down off soap box*
thank dave, he told me to post more...

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:31 am
by Psychotic_Carp
some of us dont have many people around us to visit with, what am i supposed to do make an extra 120 mile drive to visit my friends each day, along with the other 100 miles i have to drive for work? or make new friends i dont want ? im sorry you dont like the work i put into this board to make it more enjoyable

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:40 am
by fluffy
Psychotic_Carp wrote:some of us dont have many people around us to visit with, what am i supposed to do make an extra 120 mile drive to visit my friends each day, along with the other 100 miles i have to drive for work? or make new friends i dont want ? im sorry you dont like the work i put into this board to make it more enjoyable
Strangely enough, in a world that has plenty of negative traits and mean people ..I find this board to be a positive place.
I thank you, Dave, for making it.

Back to what MZJENNAY said, I think my life is what I make it.
I believe there's no real point to feeling sorry for myself, and yeah, I try and get a little better about my goals and decisions as much as I can.
I think positive energy attracts positive energy and also that it's contagious.

I don't get the impression that MZJENNAY was attacking the board, but I do think she might have been saying it's always better to see the glass as half full rather than half empty.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 4:04 pm
by jennifer stambersky
i know that this posting has improved the joy in my life very much so... i have to get out how i feel about myself and what better place to do so.. where i can get imput and advice as well as love and encouragement... i am who i am today... happy joyess and free....because of letting it all out...letting go...and letting god...i plan to become much closer to my higher power this year and everything else will day at a time

no offense ment

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 3:23 am
not what I ment Dave,
thanks for understanding my point fluffy,
I really was more taking in awe all this amazing work you have done
and pointing out that someone who sees things so negatively a lot of the time really has a beautiful creative, and personal way of touching all of our lives,
but you continue to see a half empty glass of it when not only is it half full, but the fluid that its filled with is most precious because of you.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 8:27 am
by Psychotic_Carp
thankyou :)

but it is who i am

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:01 pm
by fluffy
Psychotic_Carp wrote:thankyou :)

but it is who i am
I think you NEVER give yourself enough credit! I think you're a super nice guy with lots of talent and a giant heart and I LOVE this board.
So there :P

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 4:17 pm
by Psychotic_Carp
fluffy wrote:
Psychotic_Carp wrote:thankyou :)

but it is who i am
I think you NEVER give yourself enough credit! I think you're a super nice guy with lots of talent and a giant heart and I LOVE this board.
So there :P
thankyou ma'am :0

but if you ever try to come here and its gone that means my server went down (i.e. i lose power board gos bye till power comes back)

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 8:12 pm
by fluffy
Look who you're talking to! I lose power more than any one.
It's nice to know that if I try to come here and your board isn't here, then it wasn't a personal thing.
But if my pet dies I don't know what I'll think. :cry:

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 8:15 pm
by Psychotic_Carp
fluffy wrote:Look who you're talking to! I lose power more than any one.
It's nice to know that if I try to come here and your board isn't here, then it wasn't a personal thing.
But if my pet dies I don't know what I'll think. :cry:

the longest it should go down is a few hours, barring hardware failure that is :P

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:55 pm
by fluffy
Psychotic_Carp wrote:
the longest it should go down is a few hours, barring hardware failure that is :P
Well that's not long enough to kill my pet.
Back to life.
I think it's nice to always view each day as if it's the first of the rest of your life.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:31 pm
by megan kenny
whats this post for

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:32 pm
by Psychotic_Carp
megan kenny wrote:whats this post for
it was posted after new years, think about it!

are you spamming!?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:34 pm
by megan kenny
no what would make you think that

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:34 pm
by Psychotic_Carp
megan kenny wrote:no what would make you think that
kids now a days :(