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Re: Movies

Post by Rusty »

246 - Cold Pursuit - 7/10 - A fairly typical Liam Neeson movie. He is a snowplow driver in Colorado whose son gets murdered and he sets out for revenge. Fairly entertaining.

247 - Super Troopers 2 - 6/10 - A fairly stupid sequel, though it did have its moments. The original was superior.
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Re: Movies

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248- Darkest Minds - 7/10 - In the near future, a disease quickly spreads throughout the U.S. that either kills kids or gives the survivors powers. Fearing the destruction they can cause, the kids are rounded up by the government and put into camps with the most powerful ones executed. The movie has been panned, but I thought it wasn't bad.

249 - The Predator - 7.5/10 - I thought it was a fairly typical Predator movie. I enjoyed it.
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Re: Movies

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250 - Wonder Park - 7.5/10 - A young girl and her mother create an incredible imaginary theme park with blueprints and models. When the mother goes away due to illness, the girl loses interest, but eventually finds out that the park is real and is in trouble due to neglect. I enjoyed the film.

251 - Agatha - 6/10 - A fairly dull film that puts forth a guess as to the reason behind Agatha Christie's mysterious 11 day disappearance in 1926.
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Re: Movies

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252 - Gambit - 7/10 - A British thief recruits a Hong Kong dancer to help steal a valuable bust from a rich man. Things don't exactly go as planned. It was okay.

253 - The Richest Girl in the World - 7/10 - Dorothy Hunter is the richest girl in the world, but most people don't know what she looks like due to staying out of the press and the public eye. When she returns to the U.S., she switches places with her secretary to stay anonymous. After breaking up with her fiance, she wonders if any man would fall for her and not her money so she puts it to the test. It was not a bad film.
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Re: Movies

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254 - When Tomorrow Comes - 7/10 - A waitress falls for a man and later learns that he is a world famous pianist who is fairly wealthy. He has fallen for her as well, but he is married to an eccentric woman and it comes between his relationship with the waitress. It was a decent film.
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Re: Movies

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255 - Captain Kidd - 7/10 - The adventures of the famous pirate. It was okay.
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Re: Movies

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256 - A Town Without Pity - 7.5/10 - Four U.S. soldiers rape a 16 year old German girl and an officer is brought in to defend the men. He tries to get a plea bargain for the men so that the girl will not have to undergo a tough cross-examination, but the girl's father refuses, wanting to get the death penalty for the men. The trial proceeds with the town turning on the girl. It was not a happy film, but it was good.

257 - The Merry Widow (1934) - 6.5/10 - A Captain is ordered by his king to court a widow who owns half of the kingdom. It was so-so.

258 - Experiment Perilous - 6.5/10 - A psychiatrist befriends an older woman on a train in 1903 and learns something of her family. When he hears that she has died shortly thereafter while meeting her brother, he looks into the matter and finds out that the brother is keeping his wife a virtual prisoner and is trying to make her think that she is crazy.

259 - Captain Fury - 7/10 - An irish convict sentenced to hard labor in Australia escapes and forms a band of escapees who help protect settlers against a corrupt landlord. I thought it was decent.

260 - The Rains of Ranchipur - 7/10 - This was a remake of The Rains Came and I think it was slightly better than the original.
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Re: Movies

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261 - Sting II - 7/10 - It wasn't in the same class as the original and featured a number of different actors, but it was okay.
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Re: Movies

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262 - Billy the Kid - 7/10 - A fictionalized account of Billy the Kid from around the time of the Lincoln County Wars until his death. It was okay.

263 - When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth- 4.5/10 - This movie takes place at a time when humans and dinosaurs supposedly lived at the same time. A fisherman rescues a woman sacrificed to the gods by another tribe. I thought the movie was pretty dumb and the special effects weren't that great.
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Re: Movies

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264 - Two for the Seesaw - 6.5/10 - A lawyer from Nebraska moves to New York City to get away from his impending divorce. He meets a struggling dancer and the two soon get close. The movie was very deliberately paced and its stage play roots definitely show through. I just found it pretty dull.
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Re: Movies

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265 - David and Bathsheba - 7/10 - A biblical epic about King David and his adulterous relationship with Bathsheba. It was okay.

266 - A Damsel in Distress - 7.5/10 - Fred Astaire, George Burns, Gracie Allen and Joan Fontaine star in this musical romantic comedy about a visiting American dancer and the daughter of an Earl who fall for each other.

267 - Barbary Coast - 7/10 - A woman arrives by ship at San Francisco in the 1850s to find that her fiance is dead and the town is run by a crooked saloon owner who runs a gambling hall. She ends up working for him at the rouelette wheel, cheating customers. One day, she meets a prospector who is heading home after striking it rich and they hit it off, though their relationship has its rocky moments. It was a decent film.
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Re: Movies

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268 - The Foxes of Harrow - 7.5/10 - The story of a gambler who arrives in New Orleans in the 1820s who builds a fortune, gains an estate and wife and then sees it all in jeopardy due to a stock market crash. I enjoyed it.
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Re: Movies

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269 - Teresa - 7.5/10 - A young man gets battle fatigue while serving in Italy during WWII. After he recovers somewhat, he ends up marrying an italian girl. When he returns home to New York, he falls back into the smothering routine his mother fosters. It hurts his relationship with his new wife and causes him lots of anguish. He eventually sees a doctor and gets some help. It was a downbeat, but pretty good film.
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Re: Movies

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270 - The Slender Thread 7.5/10 - Sidney Poitier portrays a college student manning a 24 hour suicide helpline who gets a call from a housewife who has just overdosed on sleeping pills. He tries to keep her on the phone while the police try to trace the call. It was pretty good.
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Re: Movies

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271 - Images - 7.5/10 - A schizophrenic woman tries to get rid of her delusions by killing them. It was an interesting film.
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