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Re: Movies

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104 - La Strada - 7.5/10 - Getsomina is a simple young woman who is sold by her poor mother to a traveling strongman named Zampano to be his wife and partner. They travel around the countryside entertaining small crowds and also join a circus for a time. It is a good movie, though a bit odd at times.
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Re: Movies

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105 - Mon Oncle - 8.5/10 - A bright and humorous story about a young boy who lives in his ultra modern home in the suburbs. He spends a lot of time with his uncle who lives in a less prosperous part of town and definitely isn't as uptight as his sister and her husband who are trying to get him a respectable job. This is a fun movie.

106 - A Little Romance - 8.5/10 - Diane Lane (in her film debut) stars as a young American girl living in Paris with her wealthy parents. She falls in love with Daniel, a 13 year old French boy from the middle class. Both are very smart, but with few friends. They fall in love and decide to run away to Venice to kiss under the Bridge of Sighs. They enlist the aid of an elderly pickpocket (Laurence Olivier). This movie has a great score, excellent acting, lots of romance and humor and is a very good movie.

107 - Eskimo - 7.5/10 - Mala is a native Alaskan and the best hunter in his tribe. He provides well for his family and friends. When white men in a whaling ship come, the captain forces Mala's wife to sleep with him. This leads to a number of problems for various parties, including Mala, the whaler captain and others. Much of the film is in a native language and was the first film made in Alaska. Overall, a pretty decent film.
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Re: Movies

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108 - First Man - 7/10 - Neil Armstrong's life is covered from the death of his daughter in 1962 through the moon landing in 1969. The visuals were great and it looks like they tried to get a lot of the details right, but the movie was pretty dreary and could have been a lot better.

109 - Green Book - 8.5/10 - A road movie about a world renowned black pianist who makes a tour of the south in 1962 and hires a tough guy from New York to act as driver and bodyguard. They become friends over the course of their two months together. I liked it a lot, though I think Roma was better.
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Re: Movies

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110 - The Ballad of Buster Scruggs - 7.5/10 - A western anthology with six stories that had a fair amount of variety. The result is a bit uneven, but I liked it. It had pretty good production values.
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Re: Movies

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111 - Shazam - 8/10 - I thought this was a lot of fun. Not perfect, but pretty entertaining.

112 - Tom, Dick and Harry - 6/10 - A rather subpar romantic comedy about a telephone operator (Ginger Rogers) who gets proposed to by three different men.
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Re: Movies

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113 - Young Winston - 7/10 - This movie is based on the memoirs of Winston Churchill and covers his youth and service in the army and as a war correspondent. It ends early in his tenure in Parliament. The first half of the movie is rather dull, but it picks up and becomes more interesting in the second half.

114 - Pacific Liner - 6.5/10 - A cholera outbreak causes problems on a passenger liner. It was okay, though not great.
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Re: Movies

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115 - All the Brothers Were Valiant - 6.5/10 - In the mid-1800s, a whaling ship comes across the captain's brother, who had been thought dead many years earlier. He relates the tale of how he got marooned and a fortune in pearls that he wants to reclaim. He starts a mutiny against his brother to get what he wants.
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Re: Movies

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116 - Bohemian Rhapsody - 8.5/10 - I really enjoyed this Freddie Mercury biopic a lot. Rami Malek was excellent as Mercury.
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Re: Movies

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117 - Small Town Girl - 7/10 - When a New York playboy gets jailed for speeding through a small town, he falls for the daughter of the judge. It was a decent film, though some of the staging things bugged me like having people be able to pass whatever they wanted through the jail window to the prisoner.

118 - Caesar and Cleopatra - 7.5/10 - This is the movie version of the play by George Bernard Shaw where a middle aged Julius Caesar meets a young Cleopatra and teaches her how to rule Egypt. It was fairly entertaining and well acted.
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Re: Movies

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119 - Take the High Ground - 6.5/10 - We follow a couple of sergeants and the platoon that they lead during basic training back in the 1950s. One of the sergeants is much harsher than the other. The romance aspects seem kind of forced and while there are a number of decent parts, it could be a lot better.

120 - It's a Great Feeling - 6/10 - A comedy about a couple of Hollywood actors who try to get a film made and what goes on behind the scenes of the movie making process. Doris Day stars as a waitress that they try to get cast as the romantic lead. It wasn't really that great a film.
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Re: Movies

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121 - The Silver Chalice - 5/10 - A very tedious movie starring Paul Newman about a man who had been sold into slavery illegally and works as a silversmith. He is asked to create a silver chalice to hold the cup of Christ by Joseph of Arimathea. It takes place 20 or so years after the death of Jesus. The sets also tend toward the minimalist.
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Re: Movies

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122 - Kind Lady - 7/10 - An artist uses guile to gain access to a wealthy art patron's home and uses this access to confine the woman and her maid and to take over the woman's possessions. A decent drama with Ethel Barrymore and Angela Lansbury among others.
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Re: Movies

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123 - Avengers: Endgame - 8/10 - A pretty nice conclusion to many long running storylines in the MCU.
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Re: Movies

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124 - The Train - 8/10 - In 1944, a Nazi colonel tries to get a train full of rare paintings out of Paris to keep them away from the advancing Allies. A French resistance cell has other plans. This was a pretty entertaining film.

125 - Born to Dance - 7.5/10 - Eleanor Powell and Jimmy Stewart star in this musical that centers around three sailors who are about to be released from the Navy and the women they meet in New York City. It was a fun movie.

126 - The Chocolate Soldier - 8/10 - Karl and Maria are a very popular husband and wife singing duo who perform in operas and musicals. Karl is worried that Maria doesn't love him any more so he disguises himself as a Russian and tries to woo her. She isn't fooled and plays along. I thought it was pretty funny and entertaining.
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Re: Movies

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127 - Lady of Burleque - 7.5/10 - Barbara Stanwyck stars as Dixie Daisy, a burlesque singer/dancer who helps solve a mystery when two of her fellow performers are strangled with g-strings. It was a pretty good and entertaining film with humor, music and dancing along with the drama.

128 - Too Many Husbands - 7/10 - When Vicky's husband is missing and presumed drowned, she eventually remarries to his best friend. A year after being declared dead, her first husband returns, having been shipwrecked on a remote island. The two compete to try and win over Vicky to pick them. It was decent.
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